Chicopee – The city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee will pay tribute to its 2015 President, Robert Liswell, and other VIP’s at the annual President’s Dinner, to be held on Saturday, February 7th at the Portuguese American Club, 149 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA.  Tickets are $25 each and are available from Michelle Liswell at, or 413-626-8123, or John Beaulieu at or 413-575-4701.  The public is invited.  The evening includes a buffet dinner and music by U2 Cover Band “Unforgettable Fire”.

Liswell has served the committee in numerous capacities over the past 25 years.  He is a former Committee Vice President, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Woods Award recipient.  The President’s Dinner is the first formal event of the season.

Others who will be honored at the event include 2015 Parade Marshall, State Representative Joseph Wagner; D. Joseph Morissette, recipient of the Jack Woods Award; and Jay Buckley, recipient of the George and Buddy Atkinson Award.  New committee members will also be recognized.

Since 1954, the Chicopee St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee’s has promoted Irish pride and culture through its many events.   The committee organizes the annual Colleen Contest and Coronation Ball, constructs the Colleen’s award-winning float for the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and awards scholarships to young women who plan to further their education at a college or university. 

 New members and sponsors are always welcome.  For more information, logon to or on Facebook at “Chicopee St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee”.   Applications for the 2015 Colleen Contest are also available on the website.