Chicopee – The Chicopee St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee is pleased to announce the following young ladies have been chosen to represent the city in the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Holyoke:
2015 Colleen:
Shannon McAndrew, 17, a student at Chicopee High School
2015 Court Members:
Jordan Chmura, 18, a student at Chicopee Comprehensive High school; Alyssa
Hogan, 18, a student at Chicopee High School; Jessica Welsh, 17, a student at
Chicopee High School; Ashley Boger, 17, a student at Chicopee Comprehensive
High School

2015 Miss Congeniality Erin Belden
Miss Congeniality:
Erin Belden, 18, a student at Chicopee Comprehensive High School
The Colleen and her Court were selected from among 31 candidates at the annual Coronation Ball, held at the Castle of Knights in Chicopee on Saturday February 28th. 2015 marks the 61st year of the Chicopee St. Patrick’s Parade Committee.
The Coronation Ball, parade day participation, and the Colleen’s trip to Ireland, are made possible each year by many generous sponsors. The beautiful gowns worn by the Colleen and her Court have been donated by Bridal Corner on Memorial Drive, Chicopee, since 1984. All participants in
the Colleen Contest are also eligible to apply for one of the scholarships awarded by the committee in June.
For more information on Parade Committee events, connect with us through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @chicopeespc, or online at